Ever since Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by George Zimmerman, the “Stand Your Ground” law in Florida (and elsewhere) has become a major point of contention. More recently, Florida legislators shifted the burden of proof even further in the direction of the prosecution in cases involving someone who “stood their ground.” According to a […]
Car Accident Injuries – Neck Injuries
Neck injuries are commonly experienced by people involved in car accidents. The neck is one of the most vulnerable parts of the body and it can be subjected to significant stress and trauma during a car accident. Your neck is a reasonably flexible part of the body. However, unlike the rest of your body, your […]
5 Warning Signs Shows that You Have Chosen the Wrong Elder Law Attorney
Hiring the wrong attorney not only wastes your time, but it is a waste of money as well. If you’re elderly loved one is being abused, you need to hire an attorney versed in elder abuse laws. While it can be difficult to tell the good attorneys from the bad at the outset, here […]